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Vortex 4th of Dezembah – One To Remember By DJ Humerous

Shot for the wirte-up Dave. Legend my man, we are going to Alien brasse this weekend boy 😉

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Juke Royal – Some Serious Talent

They are taking a big step moving away from the music for which they were know during the days of Checked Zebra, in order to make beats that are more amping and basically more rawkus! Rock out with your cock’s out gents, I hope you go as big as Goldfish!

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White Collar Kiss – Album Launch @ The Assembly!

Basically, White Collar Kiss has been growing exponentially over the past 8 months, and, in my opinion are taking the shape of some of South Africa’s most successful live acts! I saw the likes of Goldfish rise to the top, back when a mere 20 people used to come watch their sets at Baraza, currently known as Sapphire. I am not saying White Collar Kiss is the next Goldfish, but these kids sure as hell have loads of talent!

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Stomach In Chest Out

DJ Excess you beauty, what a bladdy Muppet this ‘chief’ oke is and thanks for ripping him open! Legend

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Jack Parow – New Music Video (not that I understand a thing)

Good morning Cape Town…Oh, wait I am in Bloem, shit! Oh well, after the worst flying experience in my life I was reminded just what music can do for the mind, body and soul 🙂

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Die Antwoord new release – Evil Boy

I thought I had seen some weird ass music video’s which was topped when I saw Enter the Ninja by Die Antwoord. Now it seems they have topped the last one with their latest video, Evil Boy.

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Immortal Technique – Leaving The Past!

Just one of Immortal’s more chilled songs with a catchy beat and yet again some extremely intelligent lyrics… Enjoy!

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The Outdoor Season Beckons…

Me and Calv hitting some Papilon long rangers…can’t wait

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Humerous @ Mafia Dance 100% UNofficial Cancellation Party

My boy Humerous who I recently interviewed on the blog will be playing some progressive beats sometime during the evening! Check out his interview in the music and media archives in my blog for links to his Facebook fan page and Soundcloud page where you can download some of his mixes 😉

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Humerous – This Thursday at Psynopticz

Humerous will be dropping beats from 21h30 – 23h00: Psynopticz @ The Bang Bang Club

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Massive Earthquake Strikes Mossel Bay Seabed

Tweet A high magnitude earthquake was recorded off the coast of Mossel Bay on the Garden Route this morning, Wednesday […]

Digital Marketing Tips for Cape Town Real Estate Pros

Tweet Cape Town is not just a city of breathtaking landscapes and vibrant culture; it’s also a thriving hub for […]

Basilico Lunch Specials

Tweet Basilico Restaurant is located in the heart of Newlands, Cape Town with magnificent views of Table Mountain. They serve […]

Should South Africa Easily Qualify For The FIFA World Cup In 2026

Tweet As the anticipation for the FIFA World Cup 2026 builds, football fans and analysts alike are turning their attention […]

HABITAT – Among Mountains ft Groundbass

Tweet As spring blooms, Habitat gathers where water meets mountain. Experience a union with those who share an unwavering curiosity […]

Should South Africa Easily Qualify For FIFA World Cup 2026

Tweet As the anticipation for the FIFA World Cup 2026 builds, football fans and analysts alike are turning their attention […]