
This blog is a means to express the way I feel about topics which interest me. It is a platform to publish articles to the youth of Cape Town revolving around genrés such as brands & marketing, sports, music, fashion, parties, events and pretty much any damn thing that I think you will find interesting…

I decided to start this blog on the back of some very bad service and use it as a way to publicise such events to the people that deserve to hear about it – YOU! Therefore, ranting or raving about certain brands/restaurants/clubs or customer service, that me and my friends receive in this concrete jungle, will be a common topic within this blog. Other than that it is basically something to do in my spare time and somewhere for my brain waves to be heard.

Seeing as though I’m still searching for a job within the Marketing & Branding sector, it might even be a good way to express my ideas and showcase some of my work. I do have a BA (Marketing Communication) Honours Degree from The AAA School of Advertising – specialising in Brand Management, just in case any future employers are nervous they will be hiring an unskilled labourer.

If I manage to make some money out of this blog at the end of the day from sponsorship or sales ventures, hell that’s an added incentive, although that is not my initial intention. I’m just here to write some interesting stuff, be heard and hear what you have to say for yourself!

If there are any articles or stories you would like me to cover, any interesting pictures you take of you or your friends and would like me to upload, or any advice you have for my blog, please feel free to email me or just let me know by simply commenting on one of my posts – I’m open to any suggestions!

My long range delivery stretches further than just the football field 😉

Make It Open

Massive Earthquake Strikes Mossel Bay Seabed

Tweet A high magnitude earthquake was recorded off the coast of Mossel Bay on the Garden Route this morning, Wednesday […]

Digital Marketing Tips for Cape Town Real Estate Pros

Tweet Cape Town is not just a city of breathtaking landscapes and vibrant culture; it’s also a thriving hub for […]

Basilico Lunch Specials

Tweet Basilico Restaurant is located in the heart of Newlands, Cape Town with magnificent views of Table Mountain. They serve […]

Should South Africa Easily Qualify For The FIFA World Cup In 2026

Tweet As the anticipation for the FIFA World Cup 2026 builds, football fans and analysts alike are turning their attention […]

HABITAT – Among Mountains ft Groundbass

Tweet As spring blooms, Habitat gathers where water meets mountain. Experience a union with those who share an unwavering curiosity […]

Should South Africa Easily Qualify For FIFA World Cup 2026

Tweet As the anticipation for the FIFA World Cup 2026 builds, football fans and analysts alike are turning their attention […]