I came across this awesome website by none other than leader in sports, and my favourite footwear brand, Nike. Have a squizz it’s quite a rad initiative!
Heiny Who – Brilliant Bavaria Ad Spoof

Here is a spoof of one of my favourite Heineken adverts, quite a goodie if you ask me 😉 Remember, if you are going to be drinking & driving this weekend, make sure it is Bavaria 0,0% alc Regular Malt!
Bavaria non-alcoholic Beer – sick advert with Mickey Rourke

Please do yourself a favour and go get an Apple Malt or Original Malt non-alcoholic Bavaria. If you do not like product, tell me why? If you do, still tell me why and I guarentee you will soon need to start stocking your fridge, especially with the Apple Malt! Available @ all Liquor Ltores, Pick n Pay, Checkers and Spar!
Doritos – New Flavour & Interactive Promotion on pack

I have heard and worked on campaigns that look to create interest and drive traffic to online mediums post purchase. My mate Ricky just brought these new guys in to work and I have blind tasted, tasted, evaluated the packaging and the entire campaign.
Vizeum drives off with BMW

Vizeum SA will focus their attention on media strategy, planing and buying. This comes as no surprise to me as many companies now prefer to do business with one client that can handle all of the necessary work, rather than splitting it between a few smaller entities.
Durex XXL Print Campaign – Brilliant Creative Work

All these adverts about domes have got me thinking which is the favourite brand and product type with regard to condoms in Cape Town? If anyone has a clue, or just wants to tell us which their favourites are, please feel free to comment as this is an insightful topic for any condom purchaser (pretty much everyone except nuns)
Beechies Chewing Gum – The Relaunch

When I was in 3rd year at AAA School of Advertising I was given the Beechies brand for our final, end of year brand files challenge. It now seems they have finally gone through with their relaunch and I decided to take some pics of their new packaging.